...name them one by one.
My husband Tim
My daughter Tori, son-in-law Christian
My son Skylar and daughter-in-law Jamie
My daughter Calista and son-in-law Brian
Grandbabies Ellie, Darius, Abigail, Teddy
My dad and step-mom
My sister and her family
The blessing of an upbringing to understand what it is to be thankful and whom to contribute those blessings to.
A medical community and medications small and large that have kept me alive to be able to celebrate my blessings another year
A church family that lends encouragement, prayers and sustenance for body as well as soul when needed.
Friends from coast to coast that rally round and cheer me on as well as cheer me up.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as November was full of reasons to be thankful. My greatest blessing was having all my kids and their little families under one roof for several days. Such a joy to see your children as adults and still enjoying life as siblings. Not on,y was our home full but hearts were full and overflowing. I am thankful that I had a week off from chemo to enjoy the pleasures of being a wife, mom and Nana.
Today, on this final day of our month of Thanksgiving as I head into the first chemo treatment of round two of this new regiment I am most thankful for a loving God that sustains me during these often brutal treatments but more importantly extends grace and mercy in any and every circumstance so that I am able to continue too marvel at life on this earth.
I pray that your month of Thankfulness created in you a grateful hear, appreciation for life today and hope for tomorrow.
"The secret to living, whoever you are, is to hold on to hope and try to have faith with an open heart" (Reba)