Another month has flown by. Texting with a friend this morning I commented that I needed to write my monthly blog but really all I felt like saying was blah! But, seriously, on further inspection with the passing of another month and me to see it I have much more to say than simply, blah! So much to anticipate in the new month and days ahead.
Anticipation can be good or bad. I have had it wreck havoc on my days as I anticipate a new procedure not knowing what to expect or even anticipating an old procedure and fully knowing what to expect. Sometimes we feel there is comfort in the known but that isn't always the case. Sometimes we think ignorance is bliss but that isn't always the case either! All in all, when all is considered I will take the anticipation.
Like anticipating the arrival of all me kids for a visit. My daughter, Tori and her infant son Colton, are visiting for a week. She tried to surprise me but was wisely told that anticipating visits gives me a lot to look forward to so I had several weeks to anticipate their arrival. Not that I don't like surprises but I much prefer something to dream about and wait for. Mini-goals in life are great.
Today I anticipate a few hours out of the house for a pedi/mani with Tori, a gift from a niece. Then tonight I look forward to the rest of the kids arriving for the weekend - nothing like having everyone under the same roof for a couple of nights.
As my days and weeks often turn in to "unknowns" I turn to the one source of "known" - a never changing, ever remaining the same, rock of Gibraltar- God. I may not always know what to anticipate from Him but I am assured He is there (often relying on others to keep that assurance alive) and that He has great things in store for me in the life everlasting. And until He calls me home there are great things in store here and now. Much to anticipate.
Recently, I have been reading and studying Randy Alcorn's, "Heaven". One of the best books I have ever read on the topic of eternity, fully backed by Scripture, not pure speculation. Knowing Scriptural facts has helped with the former unknown of what awaits in the afterlife. Anticipation of eternity is sweet.
What are you anticipating today, tomorrow or the life to come?