"Birthdays are so important. On our birthdays we celebrate being alive. On our birthdays people can say to us, “Thank you for being!” Birthday presents are signs of our families’ and friends’ joy that we are part of their lives. Little children often look forward to their birthdays for months. Their birthdays are their big days, when they are the center of attention and all their friends come to celebrate.
We should never forget our birthdays or the birthdays of those who are close to us. Birthdays keep us childlike. They remind us that what is important is not what we do or accomplish, not what we have or who we know, but that we are, here and now. On birthdays let us be grateful for the gift of life."
Henri Nouwen
We should never forget our birthdays or the birthdays of those who are close to us. Birthdays keep us childlike. They remind us that what is important is not what we do or accomplish, not what we have or who we know, but that we are, here and now. On birthdays let us be grateful for the gift of life."
Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen was a super proponent of celebrating life. Last week I received a birthday card with a quote from Nouwen stating just that - the importance of celebrating birthdays - celebrating the gift of you.
I've always enjoyed wishing female friends a happy "birthing" day on the occasion of their child's birthday because after all who do we owe thanks to for the gift of life other than God - the vessel he used - Moms.
October is a big birthday month in my family and my circle of friends. My mother would have been 85 this month, my eldest granddaughter turned 7 and just five days later I achieved my goal of reaching 60 years old despite this ravaging disease.
Yup, despite this disease that maintains strength and marches onward, so do I. It might take me a little longer to meet the day and then I spend the majority of the day sitting in my chair reading, sleeping, visiting and contemplating life, but I also continue to march onward toward my goals.
Spending my 60 thbirthday celebration with my husband, three kids and their families on the Oregon coast, plopped down in a beach house literally in the sand watching the waves come and go was an extraordinary birthday gift and goal achievement.
The next goal is to navigate the holidays and welcome my 7th grandchild (4th granddaughter) into the world and this wonderful family come 2017. I covet your prayers to make this a reality. Seeing as the treatment was worse than the disease I made the tough decision to forgo any future chemo and will be using palliative measures only. I want my days to be enjoyable not riddled with unpleasant side effects when the drugs no longer serve their purpose, especially since I desire to serve my purpose on this earth, which isn't always possible when side effects aren't manageable.
Let's take Nouwen's words to heart and celebrate birthdays - celebrate life - celebrate each day because each day is a birthday gift of life!
Yup, despite this disease that maintains strength and marches onward, so do I. It might take me a little longer to meet the day and then I spend the majority of the day sitting in my chair reading, sleeping, visiting and contemplating life, but I also continue to march onward toward my goals.
Spending my 60 thbirthday celebration with my husband, three kids and their families on the Oregon coast, plopped down in a beach house literally in the sand watching the waves come and go was an extraordinary birthday gift and goal achievement.
The next goal is to navigate the holidays and welcome my 7th grandchild (4th granddaughter) into the world and this wonderful family come 2017. I covet your prayers to make this a reality. Seeing as the treatment was worse than the disease I made the tough decision to forgo any future chemo and will be using palliative measures only. I want my days to be enjoyable not riddled with unpleasant side effects when the drugs no longer serve their purpose, especially since I desire to serve my purpose on this earth, which isn't always possible when side effects aren't manageable.
Let's take Nouwen's words to heart and celebrate birthdays - celebrate life - celebrate each day because each day is a birthday gift of life!