Holding On

Holding On
Everyday Thankfulness

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Everyday Thankfulness

Whether lifting your fist in anger and doubt, listening to children of multiple ages giggle and converse near by, even argue, or holding a steaming cup of English Breakfast tea hoping for one normal sip to swallow yet knowing it will become reheateded multiple times throughout the day, their is much to be thankful for if you but look. Looking takes effort that you may not currently possess. Allow another to look for you.  

As we move from the days of thankful anticipation into patience required for waiting for Immanuel to grace our homes may we quietly slip aside with Hope, Love, Patience and Joy and exclaim with the rest of the world Immanuel- come Lord Jesus, come quickly. 

God Saves
He Is With Us 

Everyday Thankfulness

Much to be discovered everyday whether raising your fist in doubt and anger, enjoying the giggles of children playing nearby or simply holding a cup of English Breakfast tea that you know will rarely be sipped yet heated throughout the day hoping for one normal swallow.

May your month of thanksgiving give way to days of patience as you experience advent waiting.

Immamuel- come Lord Jesus however you may and may we be found ready.