There are over 5903 songs with the word breath/breathe in the lyrics. The term breath can be a physical, medical or spiritual term. There are at least 82 references to breath in the Bible. The average adult takes 12-20 breaths a minute and does nothing consciously to make this happen. Meaningless facts? Depends.
Are you aware of the breaths you take and expel every minute or more? I wasn't until recently. Very recently actually. The past few days I have become acutely aware of the effort it takes to breath, where before it was an natural response to a brain command now I am keenly in tune with the rise and fall of my chest. What I once took for granted (really not giving a thought about) now has become almost an obsession. At night I will lay awake feeling the air come in through my nose and exit the same yet I swear I can feel the path it takes as it enters, moves through my lungs and exits only to begin again. Often this pattern is interrupted with a cough. Sometimes slight and other times wracking. Know the phrase "pop a lung" when referred to a coughing fit? I now fully understand the term. While this is far from a fun journey it certainly has been eye opening as I pay more attention to the way my body is uniquely created. Certainly not to be taken for granted.
I also am intrigued by songs that speak to breathing. Breathe On Me Breath of God, This Is The Air I Breathe, Your Are My God, Breathing the Breath, etc. Breathing is fascinating both in song and body.
While I believe wholeheartedly in scientific advances and all that medical science has been able to do in all realms of life I know that the undergirding factor is the master Master Scientist and Great Physician without whom no advances would exist at all. The very One who breathed life into mankind from the beginning and continues to do so today.
So as you take your next breath be thankful for the ability to do so, the master design and the One who holds it all in balance.
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of God gives me life. Job 33:4
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