Holding On

Holding On
Everyday Thankfulness

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Endings and beginnings

2014 comes to a close in less than 13 hours, bringing the dawn of a new year. 2014 brought some wonderful things: the birth of granddaughter Abigail Virginia and the gathering of ALL the original five and their families equaling 8 adults and 3 children and one furry friend to celebrate Christmas and some not so wonderful things like the recurrence of cancer. But, good and not so good reside side by side and can bring great understanding and meaning to life.

2015 gives much to look forward to: the birth of grandson #2, more testing to determine that my cancer WILL BE ABATED and continued family gatherings.  This new year will be worth celebrating.

My hiatus from all things medical (except the Femara and a stomach coating med) was over the day after Christmas as I went in for a brain MRI and then a few days later for an upper GI series. I am happy to report that all tests proved normal (yup - my brain is still there in working order and my tummy rolls with the punches). If you have never had an upper GI series it is quite the experience!  Swallowing funny things that sizzle and pop, liquid barium in various stages all the while being placed on a board that tilts in all directions and following orders to roll from side to side, back to front. Quite the exercise!

Each tests eliminates what is NOT wrong with me while still trying to determine what is causing the ongoing nighttime vomiting which follows severe nasal and throat burning /pain and extreme post nasal drip. I have my theories after doing some self research and listening to my body. Now getting a doc to agree may be an achievement all on its own. Wouldn't it be great if I diagnosed myself after paying big bucks for the professional to do so?

I travel to Fort Collins January 15 for another GI test on the 16 - this time an endoscopy looking for tumors, ulcers, etc (can't imagine why I would have an ulcer - ha!) and then back Feb 13 for my three month follow up CT scan to check for tumor shrinkage.

Admist the waiting I continue to hold fast while considering using my experiences with cancer to start a local living with and beyond cancer support group. Something positive must always come from our trials.

On a completely different note, I adopted a beautiful one year old DLH female tabby with calico markings yesterday. Her name is Alexa Spice to be called simply Spice. She adds spice to my life! (And no, I was never a fan of the Spice girls - simply a name my five year old granddaughter dubbed my soon to be born grandson and I loved it!) Spice already makes me feel better and within just a few hours was very much at home. Being without a cat for six years was not who I am. I've aleays been a cat girl at heart. That girl is now back!

May 2015 bring you the desires of your heart and a life full of spice!


Unknown said...

With your great faith you are going to get through this. You are always in my prayers...love You..Aunt Esther

Unknown said...

Cindi: So, so thankful that your tests results were such good news! I do hope the doctors finally figure out what is going on with the vomiting. Maybe you should tell the doctors your idea of what is going on. How wonderful that you have a new kitty. I hope she will be a big blessing and comfort to you.